In order to recover your password, please use this form:
Remind Password.
You will have to enter your Username and Email provided to us during registration. These items must match our records.
The password will be emailed to you at the registration email address.
Most likely, your browser disables cookies. The cookies must be enabled for the authentication to work.
The cookie stores only your unique Session number. No confidential or personal information is stored in cookies.
Most likely, the link you are trying to use is either expired or invalid. Please go to the original data request page and regenerate the link.
Please note that you should use the link "as is" -- changes to the URL will also produce an HTTP 400 Bad Request response from the data server.
In order to see what parameter caused the error, please uncheck "Show friendly HTTP errors" in your browser settings.
The data server returns a diagnostic message in the body of the HTTP 400 response so that you can see what exactly went wrong.
If you need to download multiple stocks/days, please use the
Data Order Form
instead of creating a list of links for batch download.
These errors occur when there is no data available to process your request.
Make sure that you are requesting data and/or charts for a valid trading day.
Historical data becomes available only after the close of the trading session (8:00 PM EST).